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Centerra Metropolitan District Nos. 1-5 Announce 2020 Election Timeline


The Centerra Metropolitan District Nos. 1-5 (the “Districts”) announced election key dates and requirements to serve on the Boards of Directors. Through the regular special district election held May 5, 2020, voters will elect two members to serve through 2023 for each of the five Boards. All five Districts will be holding an election, there are two available seats on the ballot for each individual District.

The Districts are the local government entities responsible for providing public services within the Centerra development and each of the 5 Districts. The Districts have financed and constructed  public infrastructure such as improvements at I-25 and US-34 , I-25 and Crossroads Boulevard, Centerra Parkway, the Centerra Parkway-U.S. 34 intersection and others such as Boyd Lake Avenue and portions of Kendall Parkway, which will include a CDOT BRT park-and-ride complex. The Districts also are responsible for public services including, annual landscaping operations and maintenance throughout the Districts, including Chapungu Sculpture Park, and snow removal.

As public entities, the Districts abide by the same transparency, operational regulations, and laws of any other local government and are, pursuant to State law, conducting public elections to fill two Board of Director seats (on each District) that will become available in May of 2020. The Boards of Directors of each District currently are made up of five elected representatives.


To be eligible for a Board of Director position with the Centerra Metro District, interested candidates must:

  • Be registered to vote in the State of Colorado; and
  • Either
    • a. Be a resident of the District for which you are seeking election; or
    • b. Own, or have a spouse or civil union partner who owns, taxable real or personal property within the District for which you are seeking election;
    • c. You, or your spouse is obligated to pay taxes under a contract to purchase taxable property situated within the boundaries of the District for which you are seeking election.

Interested candidates must fill out and submit a self-nomination and acceptance form by February 28, 2020 at 3 p.m. Forms are available online at or by contacting the Districts’ Designated Election Official (DEO), Stacie Pacheco,, 303-292-9100 or Icenogle Seaver Pogue, P.C., 4725 S. Monaco St., Suite 360, Denver, CO 80237. Completed forms must be submitted directly to the DEO at the address above.


Due to recent legislation by the General Assembly changing the timing of regular special district elections, terms of office for directors elected in both May 2020 and May 2022 will be three years, respectively. Terms of office for directors elected in May 2023 and all elections after that will be four years.


Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to manage public dollars in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations, in a manner that is in the best interests of the district they serve.  The Districts Boards of Directors must specifically serve in a manner that maintains compliance with the Districts’ Service Plan and Master Finance Agreement established between the Centerra Metropolitan District No. 1, the Loveland Urban Renewal Authority, and the City of Loveland. Both documents can be found online at

Board members are required to attend monthly meetings, which currently take place the third Thursday of every month at noon at 2725 Rocky Mountain Avenue, in Loveland. New Board members will also be required to attend additional training to bring her or him up to speed on District projects, services, and finances. Candidates should expect to dedicate additional time outside of meetings to address financial, budgetary and bonding issues along with the overall annual capital/infrastructure construction projects as well as the annual operations and maintenance plan.

Overall, members of the Boards of Directors oversee the infrastructure projects and investments, public services, and budgets of the Districts. Members act on behalf of the Districts to effectively manage the risk, liability, and responsibility of using public dollars to improve the community.

Interested candidates are encouraged to attend a District Board meeting to better understand the roles and responsibilities of serving on the Board.


To be eligible to vote in this year’s upcoming election, voters must:

  • Be registered to vote in the State of Colorado
  • EitherOwn, or have a spouse or civil union partner who owns, taxable real or personal property within the District where you wish to vote.You, or your spouse is obligated to pay taxes under a contract to purchase taxable property situated within the boundaries of the District for which you are seeking election.
    • Be a resident of the District where you wish to vote; or

Voters can confirm their voter registration through the state of Colorado by visiting

Ballots will be mailed April 13-20. Voters must complete their ballots and return them to the DEO by 7 p.m. on May 5, 2020. Ballots need to be returned to Stacie Pacheco, DEO, Icenogle Seaver Pogue, 4725 S. Monaco St., Suite 360, Denver, CO 80237.

Elections for the Districts Boards of Directors occur every two years. If there are fewer candidates than offices to be filled by March 3, 2020, the designated election official must, by law, cancel the election and declare the candidates elected by acclimation.


Kim Perry, President – Term Expiration: May 2022

David Spaeth, Vice President – Term Expiration: May 2020

Josh Kane, Treasurer & Assistant Secretary – Term Expiration: May 2022

Courtney Parmelee, Secretary – Term Expiration: May 2020

David Crowder, Assistant Secretary & Assistant Treasurer – Term Expiration: May 2022


February 28, 2020 at 3 p.m. – Self-nomination forms due

March 3, 2020 – Determination of whether or not to continue with election process based on number of verified nomination forms received

April 13-20, 2020 – Ballots mailed

May 5, 2020, 7 p.m. – Deadline for ballots to be returned to DEO


For more information contact:

Kim Newcomer


JANUARY 9, 2020


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